Analysis of Digital Competence in Elementary School teachers according to their socio-demographic factors and experience [Análisis de la competencia digital en profesores de educación primaria en relación con los factores de género, edad y experiencia]
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Competencia Digital Docente
experiencia docente
DigCompEdu Digital Teaching Competence
teaching experience

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González-Medina, I., Pérez-Navío, E., & Gavín Chocano, Óscar. (2024). Analysis of Digital Competence in Elementary School teachers according to their socio-demographic factors and experience [Análisis de la competencia digital en profesores de educación primaria en relación con los factores de género, edad y experiencia]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 71, 179–201.


The digital competence of teachers has become crucial in transforming them into effective designers of instructional processes tailored to the needs of their students. However, this competence varies among teachers, with gender, age and years of experience variables as aspects to consider. In this regard, the aim of this study was to examine the level of digital competence among elementary school teachers, considering sociodemographic variables and years of experience. Additionally, the perceived competence level of teachers was analyzed and contrasted once reflected upon the different dimensions comprising digital competence. To this end, the DigCompEdu Check-in questionnaire was administered to 750 elementary school teachers. The results indicated that men tend to score higher in the dimensions of digital teaching competence. According to age, teachers excelled in different dimensions within each established range, and the perception of their digital competence was higher in the pretest. The practical implications derived from the study underscore the importance of professionalizing teachers through the promotion of their digital competence.
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