Equivalences between SELFIE indicators and DigCompEdu framework based on Delphi technique
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digital competence
expert judgement
teacher's professional development competencia digital
juicio de expertos
desarrollo profesional docente

How to Cite

Munar Garau, J., Oceja, J., & Salinas Ibáñez, J. (2024). Equivalences between SELFIE indicators and DigCompEdu framework based on Delphi technique. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, (69), 131–168. https://doi.org/10.12795/pixelbit.101775


SELFIE is one of the most popular tools for assesing the digital competence of schools based on information provided by principals, students and teachers. However, there is no information on how instrument and their reports provide specific information on the digital competence of teachers according to the areas and indicators established in DigCompEdu. Through a modified two-round Delphi with 19 experts, this works tries to find out which indicators of SELFIE (and to what extent) correspond to the DigCompEdu items and what relationship exists between the eight areas established in SELFIE and the six areas of the DigCompEdu framework. The results reveal numerous correspondences between items, especially in areas such as teaching and assessment. Furthermore, it shows that the areas of both models are interrelated, suggesting that the data generated through SELFIE could provide information on the specific digital competences of teachers in a particular school. The text suggests to keep identifying and designing instruments that can measure the digital competence of schools and teachers in a valid and rigorous manner.

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