Pedagogical strategies with ICT in vulnerable educational contexts: Impact on the pandemic and future projections
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Education technology
social inequality
distance education
inclusive education
COVID-19 Tecnología educativa
desigualdad social
educación a distancia
educación inclusiva

How to Cite

Alcalá del Olmo Fernández, M. J., Santos Villalba, M. J., González Sodis, J. L., & Leiva Olivencia, J. J. (2024). Pedagogical strategies with ICT in vulnerable educational contexts: Impact on the pandemic and future projections. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, (69), 255–286.


The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a series of changes in the academic, social and economic spheres due to the situation of the State of Alarm. Education was one of the most affected areas due to the closure of educational institutions as a preventive measure in the spread of the viral chain. The transition from face-to-face education to virtual teaching was one of the emergency solutions and this generated a digital divide that also became a learning divide. The purpose of this study was to analyse the repercussions of COVID-19 on teaching practices mediated by the use of technologies and their effects on the educational processes of students and families in highly complex educational centres in the province of Malaga (Spain). The methodology was qualitative, based on in-depth interviews. The most significant results point to the existence of virtual absenteeism during the confinement, which implied to significant curricular gaps in many students, the increase in innovative methodologies to promote student motivation, as well as the lack of resources to ensure equal opportunities from the parameters of inclusive education.
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