Perception of families about the obstacles and difficulties of family leisure during confinement
role of the family, leisure, entertainment, confinement, family environmentAbstract
Family leisure, understood as non-compulsory time for enjoyment within the framework of intra-family relationships, is recognised for the benefits it brings to socio-educational
and emotional development. Research on leisure began in the field of work and sociology, although the educational approach has become increasingly important. Although
previous research had already pointed out the difficulties of leisure, the unique circumstances of confinement open up new questions on this subject. The aim of this study was to find out
the obstacles and difficulties that families perceived in their family leisure time during confinement
and the influence of the number of children and family members and their employment situation. The sample consisted of 763 fathers or mothers of families living in Spain who filled
in an online questionnaire including 13 items answered on a Likert scale from 1 to 5 grades. A descriptive and inferential analysis was carried out using one-factor Anova tests and Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons test. Work and household obligations together with repetition of activities and family conflicts are identified as the obstacles and difficulties, respectively, most present in family leisure during confinement time. For both obstacles and difficulties, statistical significance is found in the number of children and family members in the household, however, the employment status of the parents is not significant with difficulties. The need to establish new family policies for periods of confinement together with support and advice from institutions such as schools or companies to help them cope better with the work-life balance situation is evident.
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