Adults’ motivating factors to study a foreign language
intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, lack of motivation learning, foreign languagesAbstract
This study arises from questioning the reasons why students study foreign lan¬guages and the variables that may influence their choice. The sample consists of 90 individu¬als enrolled in foreign language courses through the UNED Associated Center in Pontevedra. They are mostly women (70%), with an average age of 42.23. An adaptation of the Educational Motivation Scale (EME-E; Nunez, Martin-Albo and Navarro, 2005) was used as a research tool for this study. This new scale includes 28 items which assess three types of learning motivation (extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation and lack of motivation) and seven subtypes. Regard¬ing the motivation dimension (α = .87), the factor analysis determined that the seven subscales corresponding to knowledge-oriented intrinsic motivation, achievement-oriented intrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation oriented towards stimulating experiences, external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation and lack of motivation are consistent for its con¬struct. A demographic questionnaire was also used to collect information on gender, age and education level. Descriptive and inferential analyses of the data were performed. The results show significant differences between the variables under study. They pointed out the impor¬tance of encouraging intrinsic motivation and professors’ role in motivating students’ learning process. This clearly shows the need for faculty training programs. The discussion revolves around potential implications of motivational nature, based on students’ job, age, and gender, to learn foreign languagesDownloads
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