Participatory evaluation methodology for community plans and action. Three experiences of participatory evaluation in Catalunya


  • Anna Planas Lladó Universitat de Girona
  • Pilar Pineda-Herrero Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Esther Gil Pasamontes Universitat de Barcelona
  • Laia Sánchez Casals Citilab



evaluation, participatory research, evaluation research, community action, community development, citizen


Participatory evaluation (PE) is frequently used to assess community plans and actions. But how is a PE process designed and carried out? Which methodological elements differentiate PE from other assessment practices? And what kind of tools and instruments are used? This article attempts to answer these questions, though a review of the most recent literature and guidebooks on the EP methodology. Some methodological reflections on the EP process conducted in three community plans are given and described. In this paper we analyze the most relevant methodological aspects observed during entry into the community (1), context analysis (2), the formation of the steering group (3), the application of participatory techniques and dynamics to evaluate community actions, their multiplication (4), and the evaluation and closure of the three processes of EP (5). Results allow identifying relevant methodological contributions to the
implementation of future processes of Participatory Evaluation in community settings, as the key stakeholders to the process of entry into the community, some elements to consider in order to encourage participation, and the role of the professional evaluators team.


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Author Biography

Esther Gil Pasamontes , Universitat de Barcelona

Licenciada en Pedagogía por la Universidad de Barcelona. Educadora Social habilitada.
Profesora asociada en el Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Sus
ámbitos de trabajo son la pedagogía social, la educación social.
Miembro del Grupo de Investigación de pedagogía social (GPS) para la cohesión y la
inclusión social: investigación, formación, planificación y evaluación.


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