Adolescents facing violence and the myths of love in dating relationships
Violence, love myths, interpersonal relationships, adolescenceAbstract
This study aims to analyse the prevalence of dating violence and love myths among adolescents in the province of Granada (Spain). For this purpose, a descriptive, non-experimental, quantitative research design was used. The sample consisted of 802 participants. The data collection instrument used was the VIRADO questionnaire from the adaptation of the VIREPA questionnaire by González-Gijón and Soriano (2021) and the Romantic Love Myths Scale (SMRL) by Bonilla-Algovia and Rivas-Rivero (2020). The results showed that the most frequent form of violence in dating relationships among young adolescents is emotional violence, followed by physical and psychological violence, and social and economic control. The type of violence least experienced by the participants in this study was personal devaluation and sexual abuse. Furthermore, analysing the scale of love myths, the highest mean values corresponded to idealised love and romantic love, followed by distorted love, with significant differences in relation to sex.
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