Pedagogical actions from social work and gender theory surrounding stalking: a systematic review
Domestic violence, gender violence, control, surveillance, stalkingAbstract
Stalking refers to the repeated surveillance and control behaviors without consent of one subject with respect to another, which produce negative effects on the well-being of people and represent a way of exercising violence in a couple. A systematic review was carried out with the objective of characterizing the pedagogical actions based on gender theory that are carried out from social work around stalking. For this, the PRISMA protocol was applied and the key words (stalking & “social work”), (stalking & “social work”), (control & “social work”) and (surveillance & “social work”) were used in the Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo, Dialnet and PubMed databases. A total of 17 documents published between 2005 and 2023 were included. The results revealed that social work bases interventions from a mainly positivist epistemological perspective and an ontological perspective based on the capabilities of the subjects and gender violence. In this sense, the studies analyzed denote intervention proposals regarding stalking based mainly on psychodynamic and systemic models. However, pedagogical proposals from different social areas are also included, especially based on cognitive-behavioral models.
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