Education & protection. The articulation of schools with the committees for the protection of children and young people
Schools, commissions for the protection of children and young people, partnerships in education, citizenship, inclusionAbstract
Learning and exercising citizenship is an ethical requirement placed on educational centres within the scope of their social responsibility. When all students belong and can participate in the educational community, then this citizenship is guaranteed. Students covered by protection processes have more problems with behaviour and academic performance, drop out of school, have lower academic success and, therefore, require a different response. The intervention of the Commissions for the Protection of Children and Young People (CPCYP) and School Groups (AE) with children in dangerous situations aims to ensure the inclusion and well-being of this particularly vulnerable group. The intervention is primarily the responsibility of entities with competence in childhood and youth, as in AEs. The CPCYP corresponds to a second line of specialised intervention that precedes the third-level intervention of the courts. This study’s central purpose is to characterise the articulation between the CPCYP and the AE and analyse the actions resulting from this partnership. This article analyses data collected in exploratory interviews with a sample of four pairs of CPCYP and AE in four municipalities in the Porto district, with an urban and semi-urban nature. This analysis will be the basis for preparing questionnaire surveys, which will be applied nationally to all CPCYP and AE. Among the main results are the communication difficulties caused by bureaucracy, the need for more significant face-to-face contact and the lack of feedback on the processes from the CPCYP; teamwork and the CPCYP’s readiness to respond to AE requests; the shortage of technicians in CPCYP and social professionals in AE; and the relevance of community involvement in the collective response, with all that it implies in terms of coexistence and inclusion.
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