Editor invitado: MIQUEL MARTÍNEZ

Published: 2016-03-21

Complete Issue

Bordón. Revista de Pedagogía

Evaluating teacher’s teaching competences for the detection of training needs

María José Fernández Díaz, Jesús Miguel Rodríguez Mantilla, Francisco José Fernández Cruz


Teaching competences for the development of the scientific competence in Primary Education

Ángel De-Juanas Oliva, Rosa Martín del Pozo, Mairena González Ballesteros


Learning service and codesign in teacher training: integration ways of students’ experiences and perspectives

Ana Ayuste González, Anna Escofet Roig, Núria Obiols Suari, Mariona Masgrau Juanola


Inservice teacher education in highly effective schools

Luis Lizasoain Hernández, Justo Bereziartua Zendoia, Isabel Bartau Rojas
