Socio-educational care with unaccompanied foreign minors
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INTRODUCTION. Discussions regarding the socio educational care of unaccompanied minors who emigrate are still scarce. In Catalonia, the prevailing care and intervention model is the educational aid model, based at a theoretical level on the principles of normalization-responsibility of the people involved, and translated for practical purposes into a work with a double logic: community and individual. METHOD. Based on this, from a descriptive-comprehensive study based on interrogative techniques, we delve into the modalities and areas of intervention that are developed in all the centres, units, or services where these young people are attended, from the triple perspective of the professional educators, the young people who have migrated to Barcelona and the management of the centres. RESULTS. The results show that, despite explicit attempts to respect educational principles, there is a disparity of criteria depending on the type of centre. However, in all of them the educational bond plays a fundamental role in socio-educational action for inclusion, which does not exempt the need to continue strengthening co-responsibility with the administrations, the participation of young people in neighbourhood resources —especially in training— and their rooting in the territory. DISCUSSION. The findings point to the need to promote solid ties, facilitating the relationship betweenyoung people andtheir families, from a multidimensional approach that encompasses educational, emotional, social and cultural aspects, and that promotes the participation and rooting of these young people in the community.
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