Evolution of the prevalence of bedsores in the Hospital of Navarra


  • C. Silvestre
  • L. Domench
  • A. Elizondo
  • J.I. Erro
  • C. Esparza
  • A. Merino
  • B. Bermejo




Ulceras por presión. Prevalencia. Factores asociados.


Introduction. The rates of incidence and prevalence of patients with sores in hospital are indicators of nursing care quality. The aim of this study is to evaluate such prevalence in the last two years (1997-1998), comparing the patients with sores, the evaluation of the risk of developing sores, and the factors associated with their development. Material and methods. A transversal study was made, in which the subjects under study were all of the patients hospitalised in the Hospital of Navarra on the day set for the study. The study gathers the variables of sex, age, unit of hospitalisation, date of admission and date of the study, presence and number of sores, their development in or outside the hospital, evaluation of risk on admission and evaluation of risk on the day of the study (according to the modified Braden scale). Results. The prevalence of patients with sores was 8.9 per 100 patients hospitalised in 1997 and 5.1 in 1998. The difference is statistically significant with a value of p=0.025. Age, the classification of patients within those of risk, and the time of hospital stay are factors related to the development of sores. Conclusions. The factors associated with the development of sores detected in the study lead us to be more attentive in our vigilance of the patients that show them. The follow up of the prevalence and incidence of bedsores in hospitals is an instrument that makes it possible to continue improving understanding, prevention and treatment of such lesions in patients.


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How to Cite

Silvestre, C., Domench, L., Elizondo, A., Erro, J., Esparza, C., Merino, A., & Bermejo, B. (2009). Evolution of the prevalence of bedsores in the Hospital of Navarra. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 22(3), 401–405. https://doi.org/10.23938/ASSN.0711



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