Solitary fibrous tumour of the pancreas: a case report


  • L. Arruda Modesto dos Santos Surgery Department from State Workers Hospital (HSE), São Paulo-SP, Brazil
  • V. Modesto dos Santos Catholic University and Armed Forces Hospital
  • O. Capela Grimaldi Oliveira Pathos Medical Diagnosis, São Paulo-SP, Brazil
  • M. De Marco Surgery Department from HSE, São Paulo-SP, Brazil

Palabras clave:

Diagnosis. Pancreas. Pancreatic neoplasma. Solitary fibrous tumor.


The solitary fibrous tumour is an uncommon neoplasm of mesenchymal origin. It occasionally develops in extra pleural locations, and is very infrequent in the pancreas. A 40-year-old woman had an unsuspected solitary fibrous tumour detected by chance in the body of the pancreas. Detection of the mass occurred with imaging studies. CT and MRI images showed the well-circumscribed benign lesion, with 3 cm on its greatest diameter. Treatment consisted of partial pancreatectomy, and her postoperative recovery was uneventful.


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Cómo citar

Arruda Modesto dos Santos, L., Modesto dos Santos, V., Capela Grimaldi Oliveira, O., & De Marco, M. (2012). Solitary fibrous tumour of the pancreas: a case report. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 35(1), 133–136. Recuperado a partir de



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