Relationships between health care and physical activity during confinement in the covid-19 pandemic: an integrative systematic review
Physical Activity, Health, Physical Education, Social Distacing, Covid-19Abstract
This work aimed to analyze how the production of knowledge presents aspects of health care and physical activities during confinement in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this, an integrative systematic review was carried out in VHL Health, with eight productions selected. Most studies deal with health as something achieved only through the practice of physical activities, focusing on an organic body, without delving into other aspects of the subject as a historical and cultural being. Even some studies citing the practice of physical activities as being beneficial for mental health, this discussion does not go into depth. Finally, the need to explore other databases is highlighted, as well as to expand to contexts beyond Brazil, in order to observe how studies on the subject are found in other digital media.
Keywords: Physical Activity. Health. Physical Education. Social Distancing. Covid-19.
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