Barriers to the adoption of the BCP-VAMOS 3.0 in Primary Health Care: a quality study






The study aimed to evaluate the barriers to the adoption of the Active Life Improving Health Behavior Change Program (BCP-VAMOS), version 3.0, in Primary Health Care (PHC) in the state of Santa Catarina. A qualitative research was carried out with 33 health professionals (HP) who did not adopt the BCP-VAMOS 3.0. PS answered 25 questions electronically (Google Forms). To organize and interpret the results, the technique of descriptive content analysis was used in the QSR Nvivo® 12.0 software. Data were categorized based on the CFIR (Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research) which describes five domains: intervention characteristics, outer setting, Inner setting, individual characteristics and implementation process. The results showed barriers for not adopting the BCP-VAMOS in four domains of the CFIR: outer setting (low interest of the population); inner setting (compatible time/time, physical structure, professional turnover, work overload and work logistics); individual characteristics (insecurity, belief of not having a profile to implement the program; belief that the program was inadequate for the health sector); and, process (lack of support from the management/team, similar actions at healh centers and difficulty in publicizing). It was concluded that the barriers perceived by the PS not to adopt the BCP-VAMOS 3.0 were related to the organization's structure, work planning, definition of roles and performance of the team.

Keywords: Adoption. Primary Health Care. Barriers. Implementation Science. Health Promotion.


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How to Cite

Maciel, E., Konrad , L. M. ., Ribeiro Grontowski , C. ., & Bertoldo Benedetti, T. R. . (2023). Barriers to the adoption of the BCP-VAMOS 3.0 in Primary Health Care: a quality study. Retos, 50, 1323–1332.



Original Research Article