Impact of strength training on bone mineralization in under-15 soccer players from Cortuluá club


  • Mg. Luis Hebert Palma Pulido T.C Teacher Physical Education, Recreation and Sports UCEVA.
  • Graduate Jessica Fabiana Cardona Castiblanco Graduate of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports UCEVA.
  • Mg. Aida Yineth Palma Pulido UCEVA Physical Education, Recreation and Sports Teacher.
  • Graduate Marcela Vélez Better Graduate of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports UCEVA.



young soccer players, applied training, bone mineral density, maximum strength.


The aim of this experiment was to investigate the impact of a training plan on the expression of strength on bone mineralization in young athletes belonging to the Under-15 category in the city of Tuluá. This study employed a quantitative methodology, utilizing a quasi-experimental design and a longitudinal approach. The study included a participant population of 23 individuals from the Cortuluá team, with an average age of 15.13 years and a standard deviation (SD) of 0.264. The participants were divided into two groups: an experimental group consisting of 11 athletes from the youth academy, and a control group consisting of 12 subjects who trained in the academy without periodizing strength. The determination of bone mineral density (BMD) considered peak growth velocity (PVC) and other anthropometric factors. The intervention lasted 3 months, occurring on a weekly basis for 3 days. The strength training component was conducted for a duration of 45 minutes before the regular training session of the group. The results indicated that both groups shown improvements; however, it was the experimental group that exhibited statistically significant changes with a p-value of 0.000. In summary, it was found that exercise is crucial for enhancing bone mineral density (BMD). The control group, despite not engaging in strength training, still showed positive results. However, when strength exercises were added to the sports practice, the experimental group demonstrated even better outcomes. It is worth noting that this capacity development can be utilized to generate transfer to the field.

Key words:  Adolescent. Bone Mineral Density. Muscle strength.


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How to Cite

Palma Pulido, L. H., Cardona Castiblanco , J. F. ., Palma Pulido, A. Y. ., & Vélez Better, M. (2024). Impact of strength training on bone mineralization in under-15 soccer players from Cortuluá club. Retos, 54, 129–140.



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