Analysis of the efficacy of sponsorship of WorldSBK from the perspective of attendees the Jerez championship
sports sponsorship, level of fandom, brand awareness, favourable attitude towards the event, favourable attitude towards the sponsor, purchase intentionAbstract
The use of sponsorship has increased over recent years, in particular in the sports sector. Companies all over the world are investing massively in sports sponsorship, so it is important to study which factors positively or negatively affect consumer behavior to provide a basis on which companies can build. It may be seen that sports event sponsorship has become a strategic tool in the communication mix and is thus acquiring ever greater economic significance within the set of communication strategies in the business world. This research analyzes the efficacy of sports sponsorship in the World Superbikes Championship (WorldSBK). The instrument used was a questionnaire conducted of those attending the WorldSBK event at Jerez from 20 to 22 October 2017 (N = 242). The most significant results indicate that the factors behind the success of sports sponsorship in the WorldSBK are: level of fandom, brand awareness, favourable attitude towards the event, favourable attitude towards the sponsor, and purchase intention.This paper should be the step-in order to develop a methodology to analyze sponsorship. Consequently, we can extend our research to other sports events. Doing so, this will allow us to progress in a more global view of sponsorship over the world.
Keywords: Sports sponsorship, level of fandom, brand awareness, favourable attitude towards the event, favourable attitude towards the sponsor, purchase intention.
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