Variables associated with motivation to engage in physical activity in adolescents


  • Ricardo Manuel Santos Labrador
  • Alejandra Rebeca Melero Ventola



Physical activity has physical, mental and social benefits. However, many adolescents lead an inactive lifestyle. The aim of this study was to find out the reasons for physical activity among adolescents in the province of Salamanca (Spain) and its relationship with gender, place of origin, level of physical activity and weight status. The sample consisted of 867 adolescents aged 12-16 years (14.04±1.191), 46.1% girls (n=400) and 53.9% (n=467) boys. The motives for physical activity were measured using the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation scale (PALMS-e) (version validated for the Spanish adolescent context), and the level of physical activity with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (IPAQ-A). The results showed that the factor that elicited the highest motivation towards physical activity was physical fitness (3.99). The least motivating factor was the factor of others' expectations (2.49). All factors of the PALMS-e correlated positively with each other. Boys showed a higher level of motivation and subjects from urban locations showed more overall motivation. Also, more active schoolchildren showed higher motivation than inactive ones. Being overweight or obese was positively associated with the appearance factor and with the external expectations factor, while it had negative associations with the fun factor. In conclusion, it is considered necessary to know the reasons why adolescents do PA, in order to encourage the practice of PA among this population, through adapted strategies focused on small groups, paying special attention to increasing the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of the subject.

Key Words: PALMS-e; IPAQ-A; Physical activity; Motivation.


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How to Cite

Santos Labrador, R. M. ., & Melero Ventola, A. R. . (2023). Variables associated with motivation to engage in physical activity in adolescents. Retos, 50, 925–930.



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