Effect of modified plyometric exercises in volleyball 13-15 years old male category


  • María Esperanza Peña-Brito
  • Ana Cristina Delgado
  • Gisselle Marcela Soto Universidad de Cuenca
  • Xavier Coronel-Rosero
  • Susana Andrade




Volleyball, Plyometrics, Explosiva force, Vertical jump, Sports equipment


Volleyball studies in male pre-adolescents are scarce but important to maintain competitiveness in sports tournaments. The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of a specific plyometric exercise program using sports implements to improve explosive strength in 13–15-year-old volleyball players. There were two groups: a control group (CG, n=12) and an experimental group (EG, n=13). The CG performed a conventional plyometric program and the GE a plyometric program with implements (jump trainer, resistance harness, resistance bands, etc.) for a period of twelve weeks. Pre-intervention and post-intervention jumping ability was assessed using the Block Jump, Attack Jump, Abalakov and Squat Jump tests. T-tests and Cohen's test were applied to identify statistical differences in jumping and intervention effect size (TE). Both groups presented a gain in jumping ability in the 4 tests, however the only statistically significant gain was presented in the Abalakov test (p=0.02), specifically the gain was 5.415±2.60cm and a TE=0.54 (median effect) for the GE and 3.066±2.63cm and a TE of 0.73 (median effect) for the GC. It is concluded that the plyometric exercise program with implements improved the vertical jump measured with the Abalakov Test, which better simulates game conditions. It is advisable to continue with studies focused on explosive strength in this age group, considering the sports experience and physiological development of the individual; it is also important that training programs include other components (e.g., strength and speed training, nutritional advice, and/or mental health) that could influence explosive strength.

Key words: Volleyball, plyometric, explosive force, vertical jump, modern sports equipment.


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How to Cite

Peña-Brito, M. E., Delgado, A. C., Soto, G. M., Coronel-Rosero, X., & Andrade, S. (2023). Effect of modified plyometric exercises in volleyball 13-15 years old male category. Retos, 48, 244–251. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v48.94226



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