Association between level of Physical Activity and Motivation in older people who practice Running




The objective of the study was To associate the Level of Physical Activity and Motivation in Older People (OP) who practice Running, with variables of Sex and Age. An observational cross-sectional study was carried out. A survey was applied with sociodemographic variables and experiences of practicing Running, Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity Scale (RAPA), and Motivations of Marathoners Scales-34 (MOMS-34). 68 PM runners were interviewed; 69.2% men (n= 47). According to the RAPA classification, 69.1% were «Active»; 49.0% did not perform strength exercises, and 35.0% did not perform flexibility exercises. When comparing the mean score of part 1-RAPA by gender, there were no significant differences; nor between e»70 and <70 years, compared globally and by sex. Regarding the motivation to run, according to the mean scores of the MOMS-34 subscales, the main ones were (3/7): Health Orientation, Meaning of Life-Self-esteem, Overcoming Personal Goals-Competition. When comparing the mean scores of the MOMS-34 subscales according to gender, there were no significant differences; When comparing between e»70 years and <70 years, there were significant differences in the Affiliation subscale (p<.05). When comparing according to age and sex, in men, there were significant differences in the Affiliation and Weight subscale (p<.05), and there were no differences in women. In conclusion, 2/3 of the PM runners interviewed have an «Active» physical level, with no significant differences between sexes and age; and the greatest motivations for Running are Health orientation, Meaning of life-Self-esteem, Overcoming Personal Goals-Competition, without differences by sex, if in men according to age.


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How to Cite

Avello-Viveros, C., Ulloa-Mendoza, R., Duran-Aguero, S., Carrasco-Castro, R., & Pizarro-Mena, R. (2022). Association between level of Physical Activity and Motivation in older people who practice Running. Retos, 46, 431–441.



Original Research Article