Predictors associated with adolescent smoking: a systematic review
Tobacco, adolescents, consumption, predictors, systematic review.Abstract
Background: Substance use by the adolescent population has increased in recent years, becoming a public health problem. Among the most consumed is tobacco, which is probably the greatest long-term challenge. Smoking kills more than 7 million people each year, while 1,2 million are the result of passive exposure to smoke. Aim: to identify through a systematic review the predictors associated with adolescent smoking. Materials and methods: we searched for articles in different databases, such as Scopus, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Psicodoc and PsycARTICLES. Thus, a total of 302 studies were obtained and, after applying the inclusion criteria, 10 studies remained for review. Results: The sample consisted of a total of 20.540 adolescents between 10 and 19 years of age. The results show different predictors of tobacco use in adolescents. Conclusion: new studies are suggested to verify these findings. Finally, it is recommended that new intervention programs take into account the predictors associated with tobacco use in the present study, in order to confirm these findings.
Keywords: Adolescents; Consumption, Predictors; Systematic Review; Tobacco.
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