Analysis of successful completion sequences in the Colombian professional football playoffs




finishing actions, sporting performance, observational methodology, goal


The aim of this study was to examine the influence of categorical variables and the success component in the finishing sequences during the 2017 Colombian professional football playoffs. The sample consisted of 243 finishing actions during the 2017 Colombian professional football playoffs, treated under descriptive observational methodology. With an ideographic, punctual and multidimensional design and a system of categories taking into account the mixed field format of the instrument designed. According to the results of this study, there is a clear tendency towards defensive play on the part of the FPC teams; lack of game development, creation and exploitation of free spaces while maintaining possession of the ball for the development of wing play with effective finishing, as well as greater interaction between players to ensure an organised development and depth of play for the concretion of the actions in goal. The analysis of technical-tactical performance from categorical variables can allow coaches to establish characteristics and demands of the game and to design training plans in accordance with the demands of competition.


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How to Cite

Caicedo Parada, S. A., Amatria Jímenez, M., & Villamizar Navarro, A. (2022). Analysis of successful completion sequences in the Colombian professional football playoffs. Retos, 45, 268–274.



Original Research Article