Role-playing workshop for Generation Z: a pathway through the creative simulation in Body Expression


  • Laura Augusta Gostian Ropotin Universidad Europea de Madrid
  • Kiki Ruano Arriagada European University of Madrid
  • Eva Asensio Castañeda European University of Madrid



Generation Z or "Gen Z" was born immersed in the digital culture and in this context, it is prone to diminish its interest and capacity for the development of interpersonal skills. Often, the image that a person projects in a virtual environment is distorted in the physical and social world because, in the absence of face-to-face interaction, the ability to perceive emotions and the skill to understand Non-Verbal Communication (hereinafter NVC) that is expressed is lost. The aim of this article is to present a monographic workshop on role-playing, oriented to students studying the subject of Body Expression, which is intended to be a methodological tool through which students can manage their interpersonal communication skills and emotional intelligence in face-to-face environments

Author Biographies

Laura Augusta Gostian Ropotin , Universidad Europea de Madrid

Laura Augusta Gostian is an associate professor at the European University of Madrid. She holds a  Phd in Performing Arts and Dance from the European University of Madrid and a Bachelor of Performing Arts and Dance from the National University of Theater and Cinematographic Art "I.L Caragiale" in Bucharest. She was professor (between 1995 and 2004) and director (between 2001-2004) of the "Floria Capsali" Choreographic Art Lyceum in Bucharest and also professor at the "IL Caragiale" National University of Theater and Film Art in Bucharest (between 1997-2004 ). She was a cultural advisor at the Romanian Cultural Institute in Madrid and later, the cultural and public diplomacy attaché at the Romanian Embassy in Madrid. She has carried out and promoted significant projects and cultural exchanges with various European Embassies and National Cultural Institutes both in Bucharest and Madrid. Between 2010 and 2015 she was Director of the International Area and currently she is the International Academic Coordinator of the Study Abroad Program of the Universidad Europea- Real Madrid Graduate School. She was part of the team of expert evaluators for cultural projects (Creative Europe) of the European Commission EACEA and a member of the panel of external evaluators of the Madri + d Foundation for knowledge. She was awarded the Prize for Best Choreography in the International Dance Competition “Oleg Danovski Constantza” -Rumania (1998). She speaks Spanish, English, French, Italian and Romanian languages. She obtained multiple training scholarships in different European countries such as: Spain, Belgium, France and Hungary. Her main lines of research focus on dance, history of international relations and cultural diplomacy.

Kiki Ruano Arriagada , European University of Madrid

Kiki Ruano helds the Phd in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and a Bachelor of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the same University. She is a professor of Body Expression at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences of the European University of Madrid.

Eva Asensio Castañeda , European University of Madrid

Eva Asensio Castañeda is associate professor at the European University of Madrid. She holds the Phd in Art History from the National University of Distance Education and a Degree in Geography and History (specialty History of Art) from the Complutense University of Madrid. She graduated in Spanish Dance from the Royal Conservatory of Madrid, she was a professional dancer in various national dance companies between 1989 and 1995. She Professor of the subjects "Theory and History of Dance" and "Art and Aesthetics" since 2009.
She was part of the working group for the creation of the academic memory of the degree in Dance Sciences of the European University of Madrid between 2007 and 2008. She is an external member of the Complutense Seminar for Research in History and Theory of Dance of the Complutense University. She is a research member of the PEMS20 Group, attached to the Gender Institute of the UNED. Project: "Recovery of life testimonies with Oral Sources. Spanish painters of the twentieth century". She has participated and presented various communications in Congresses and scientific conferences, such as those held by the Spanish D + I Association: Dance plus Research, the Antonio de Nebrija University, the María de Ávila Royal Conservatory of Dance or the Loewe Foundation. Her main lines of research focus on dance, art and genre of the 20th century.


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How to Cite

Gostian Ropotin, L. A., Ruano Arriagada, K., & Asensio Castañeda, E. (2022). Role-playing workshop for Generation Z: a pathway through the creative simulation in Body Expression. Retos, 45, 1144–1153.



Monographic. Body Expression and Research. From Occurrences to Certainties