Gender stereotypes and differential treatment between boys and girls in physical education subject: a narrative Review
Narrative review, gender stereotypes, primary school, secondary school, physical educationAbstract
This narrative review tries to investigate whether exists gender stereotypes in Physical Education (PE), both at Primary School (PS) and Secondary School (SS) levels. A compilation and analysis of 33 studies found in five databases have been reviewed (SPORTDISCUS, SCIELO, DIALNET, REDALYC and GOOGLE SCHOLAR). The majority of the reviewed evidence is from the Spanish context, although our review is also integrated some international references. Therefore, possible sources of transmission of stereotypes in this field were identified and analyzed, by establishing categories. The state of the art showed the existence of inequalities and discrimination towards girls in PE sessions, therefore, the need to promote the training in coeducational matters, mainly of physical education teachers, is more than warranted. Collectively, an intervention using specific pedagogical models would remain as a main future perspective to treat gender inequalities or stereotypes in PE lessons.
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