Fear of falling and physical fitness in community-dwelling older adults


  • Vania Azevedo Ferreira Brandao de Loureiro Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Higher School of Education, Department of Arts, Humanities and Sport, Beja, Portugal http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2458-3004
  • Margarida Isabel Boteta Gomes
  • Ana Ruivo Alves




Strenght, Healthy aging, Falls, Exercise, Health Promotion


The fear of falling is pointed out as a psychological consequence resulting from the loss of functionality and balance inherent to aging. Maintaining good levels of physical fitness may be the key to preserve the quality of life and independence of the older adult. This study aims to verify the relationship of fear of falling with the physical fitness of older adults inserted in a community physical exercise program. The sample included 308 older adults, aged ³ 65 years (86.8% female; age 74.78 ± 5.72 years, height 1.56 ± 0.08 m, weight 67.13 ± 12.14 kg), from Baixo Alentejo, Portugal. The study involved collecting indicators on the participants' sociodemographic characteristics, the history of falls, fear of fall (FES-I Portugal scale); level of physical activity (IPAQ-E - short version) and physical fitness indicators (Rikli & Jones, 2013). There were significant associations between fear of falling and physical fitness variables. Low fear of falling seems to be related to better lower strength (p <.001), agility and dynamic balance (p <.001), and cardiorespiratory fitness (p <.001). reporting a relationship of increased fear of falling and decreased physical fitness levels. The results reveal that a low fear of falling is related to better functional capacity. In order to contribute to the maintenance and development of essential physical capacities and avoid a decrease in quality of life, we reinforce the importance of physical exercise programs that include strength, agility, balance and cardiorespiratory fitness, integrated in multifactorial interventions. These strategies can, through the promotion and maintenance of functional capacity, create a better perception of competence and consequently reduce the fear of falling in older adults.

Author Biographies

Vania Azevedo Ferreira Brandao de Loureiro , Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Higher School of Education, Department of Arts, Humanities and Sport, Beja, Portugal

1 Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Higher School of Education, Department of Arts, Humanities and Sport, Beja, Portugal
2 Laboratory of Physical Activity and Health, Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Beja, Portugal
3 ISAMB, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Margarida Isabel Boteta Gomes

1 Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Higher School of Education, Department of Arts, Humanities and Sport, Beja, Portugal

2 Laboratory of Physical Activity and Health, Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Beja, Portugal

Ana Ruivo Alves

1 Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Higher School of Education, Department of Arts, Humanities and Sport, Beja, Portugal

2 Laboratory of Physical Activity and Health, Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Beja, Portugal

4 Research Centre in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences and Human Development (CIDESD), Vila Real, Portugal


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How to Cite

Brandao de Loureiro, V. A. F., Gomes, M. I. B., & Alves, A. R. (2022). Fear of falling and physical fitness in community-dwelling older adults. Retos, 43, 495–502. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v43i0.88588



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