Knowledge of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Kindergarten and Primary School Teachers




First aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, formation, teachers, school accident


Abstract. In Spain the educational legislation (LOMCE, 2013) includes the need to train students in First Aids and research indicates the importance of knowing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) techniques. In this context, with the aim of evaluating the knowledge of infant a primary school teacher (N=361) in CPR, a descriptive study is carrying out using questionnaire divided into two parts is applied: demographic data and questions related to theoretical knowledge in first aid. The results indicate that the teachers do not have knowledge in CPR and there are not significant differences with regard to age, gender, education and work experience (p>.05). There is a significant difference between those who have taken a course in first aid and those who have not. Based on the results, it is concluded that it is necessary to train in first aid, paying special attention to cardiopulmonary resuscitation, both for students in infant and primary education grades and for active teachers.

Author Biographies

Zuriñe Gaintza , UPV/EHU

Didáctica y Organización Escolar

Zaloa Velasco , Servicio de Salud Vasco / Osakidetza



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How to Cite

Gaintza, Z., & Velasco, Z. (2021). Knowledge of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Kindergarten and Primary School Teachers. Retos, 39, 446–452.



Original Research Article