RETRACTION Zulbahri, Z., Putra, A. N., Syampurma, H., Wulandari , I., Lawanis , H., Sari , D. N., Sasmitha, W., Nurrochmah, S., Nurkadri, N., Putro, B. N., HB, G., Harmanto, H., Hamsyah, K., Pavlovic, R., & Tafuri, F. (2024). Rendimiento en el aprendizaje de la educación física de los alumnos de último curso de secundaria basado en el género y la revisión de la inteligencia intelectual (Physical education learning outcomes of senior high school students based on gender and intellectual intelligence review). Retos, 60, 362–369.







Zulbahri, Z., Putra, A. N., Syampurma, H., Wulandari , I., Lawanis , H., Sari , D. N., Sasmitha, W., Nurrochmah, S., Nurkadri, N., Putro, B. N., HB, G., Harmanto, H., Hamsyah, K., Pavlovic, R., & Tafuri, F. (2024). Rendimiento en el aprendizaje de la educación física de los alumnos de último curso de secundaria basado en el género y la revisión de la inteligencia intelectual (Physical education learning outcomes of senior high school students based on gender and intellectual intelligence review). Retos60, 362–369.

Retraction of the article by the editor of the journal. There has been several clear and conclusive proofs that there has been a manipulation of the authorship of the article. The accepted Word document was sent with the names of the authors that appeared in the “Corrections for the edition” message so that they could only make the orthographical corrections that were necessary. The corresponding author (or whoever hurt him) changed the authors of the aforementioned Word document that was sent to them, returning a document together with these corrections made with new authors, all without any express notification, without any document explaining the changes made accepted by all the authors and, of course, without express authorization from the journal Retos between both moments. With this fraudulent document the galleys were made and the article was definitively published, assigning it the corresponding DOI.

Authors in the Word document of the article submitted for review: 10

Authors in the published PDF with modified authors: 15

Differences between the authors between both moments: +10 y -5 (Additions: Aldo Naza Putra, Hilmainur Syampurma, Indri Wulandari, Harifah Lawanis, Dessi Novita Sari, Weny Sasmitha, Siti Nurrochmah, Nurkadri, Harmanto, Khairul Hamsyah. Eliminated: Siti Nurrochmah, Hendra Setyawan, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Francesca Latino,  Özgür Eken)





How to Cite

RETOS, R. (2025). RETRACTION Zulbahri, Z., Putra, A. N., Syampurma, H., Wulandari , I., Lawanis , H., Sari , D. N., Sasmitha, W., Nurrochmah, S., Nurkadri, N., Putro, B. N., HB, G., Harmanto, H., Hamsyah, K., Pavlovic, R., & Tafuri, F. (2024). Rendimiento en el aprendizaje de la educación física de los alumnos de último curso de secundaria basado en el género y la revisión de la inteligencia intelectual (Physical education learning outcomes of senior high school students based on gender and intellectual intelligence review). Retos, 60, 362–369. Retos, 63.



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