Correlation between physical, technical and tactical dimensions in under-20 category football players
football, training, team sports, perfomanceAbstract
Introduction: presentation of the topic (maximum two key sentences).
Objective: The objective of the present study was to analyze the correlation level between physical, technical and tactical variables of young football players.
Methodology: 40 under-20 athletes (18 and 19 years old) who were part of 2 professional clubs in João Pessoa city participated to the study. Data collection was conducted on a football field lasting 5 consecutive days, and the players underwent anthropometric assessments, physical tests (speed, agility, VO2 and jump height), technical tests (shooting, passing and dribbling) and tactical knowledge (TacticUP). A canonical correlation analysis was performed for data analysis using the SPSS v.28 program between the three set pairs of physical, technical and tactical variables (e.g., physical and technical, and so on). The prerequisites of the model (linearity, normality of distributions, and absence of multicollinearity) were initially tested.
Results and Conclusions Findings show that there are medium correlations between the technical-tactical and physical-tactical variables, as well as a high correlation between the technical-physical variables.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Patrick Alan de Souza Pfeiffer, Júlio César Gomes da Silva, Eric de Lucena Barbosa, Rodrigo Wanderley de Sousa-Cruz, Luciano de Oliveira, Rodrigo Benevides Ceriani, Gilmário Ricarte Batista
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