Factorial structure and internal consistency of the PERMEV questionnaire
Lifestyle, Factorial analysis, Surveys and questionnaires, Social distancing, COVID-19Abstract
objectives of this study were to verify the validity of the Factorial Structure and the internal consistency of the questionnaire “Perception of changes in lifestyle during social distancing” in university students of a Brazilian private educational institution. A study conducted with a sample of 1.090 university students from the Estácio De Sá University, with an average age of 30.75 (SD: 10.83) years (64% women; 80.3% with some type of scholarship). The instrument had forty-five items related to the following lifestyle components: physical activity, eating habits, stress management, relationships, sleep, and sedentary behavior. Exploratory factor analysis was considered to analyze the structure, and internal consistency considered the Composite reliability (CR). The questionnaire consisted of ten factors and 34 items, which presented an explained variance of 62.19%. The overall CR level was 0.957 and between factors ranged from 0.525 to 0.882. It is observed that the instrument evaluated presents satisfactory conditions for use in research focusing on physical/social distancing, as occurred due to the covid-19 pandemic in Brazilian university students.
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