Traditional exercise vs. online fitness classes: a comparison based on participants’ enjoyment
Online Video Streaming Exercise, Enjoyment, Service QualityAbstract
Online exercise has been developed as an alternative to traditional in-class exercise during the period of COVID-19. However, it has been shown to be a promising supplementary business model for many fitness and exercise clubs and associations. This paper aimed to compare enjoyment between traditional and online video streaming exercises and in relation to participants’ perception of service quality. The data were collected with an online survey that took place in Greece. Three hundred and forty-eight individuals participated in the study (N=348). Enjoyment was measured with the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES). The results indicated higher enjoyment scores in the traditional classes than in the online classes. The cluster analysis revealed three enjoyment level groups with online exercise: high, moderate, and low. An exploratory factor analysis showed the existence of four service quality dimensions, adjusted to the context of online exercise (outcome, communication / Interaction, online exercise programs, online platform). Statistically significant differences were revealed in all four service quality dimensions among the three enjoyment cluster groups. These results propose that online classes are less enjoyable than the traditional ones, but still with good enjoyment scores. Fitness clubs should therefore continue exploring further development of online fitness sessions, as a complimentary service to their members. The use of modern online technology and the further training of exercise professionals can help them in this direction.
Keywords: Online Video Streaming Exercise, Enjoyment, Service Quality
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