Social work from the perspective of physical activity and sport
physical-sports, administrative functions, sport, physical activity, recreation.Abstract
The objective was to determine the action of social work from the perspective of physical activity and sports by professionals in the branch in Ecuador. From this, a quantitative investigation is developed through a questionnaire with 20 items evaluated with a Likert scale addressed to 220 social workers nationwide. The internal consistency of the instrument was measured using Cronbach's Alpha with a value of 0.866. The data was obtained through e-mail or via WhatsApp. The results indicated differences between the responses of social workers from public and private entities regarding the possibility of relying on their colleagues from other areas in their work environments, as well as regarding the ability to recognize the resources available in communities or groups. population in favor of intervention and/or prevention programs, in the other items the results are equivalent in both groups. It is concluded that social workers from public and private entities recognize the administrative functions, knowledge and skills around physical activity and sports, clearly determining the deficiencies and potential to incorporate these practices in their professional actions.
Keywords: physical-sports, administrative functions, sport, physical activity, recreation.
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