Analysis of the impact of different intensities and time periods on the physical and technical performance of professional soccer players
Rendimiento, Fútbol, Intensidad, Rendimiento físico, Rendimiento técnico.Abstract
Soccer match simulations provide valuable information on player performance and training methods but how intensity during a game affects a player's physical/technical performance has yet to be explored. The objective of the study was to analyse the impact of variable intensity intervals during the first block of the Copenhagen Soccer Test. A repeated measures study was designed to compare three intensity levels, three time periods and their effects on sprint speed, perceived effort, goal shooting accuracy, dribbling, and long pass accuracy in professional soccer players. The comparison analysis between different phases showed a significant decrease in sprint speed (p < 0.001) and an increase in perceived effort (p < 0.001), however, the technical variables did not change (p > 0.05). When comparing the data based on intensity, significant decreases were observed in all variables (p < 0.001). The combined analysis of the results indicates that the speed decreases and the rate of perceived exertion increases as the simulation progresses. Meanwhile, the accuracy of goal kicks, dribbling, and long passes are negatively affected by high-intensity efforts, but demonstrate recovery over the course of the simulation. The increase in intensity affects the speed more than the accuracy of shots on goal, dribbling and passing.
Keywords: Performance, Soccer, Intensity, Physical performance, Technical performance.
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