Interactions between attributional styles, academic self-concept and self-esteem in physical education pedagogy students in Chile
Estilos atributivos, autoconcepto académico, autoestima, estudiantes de pedagogía, Educación Física y SaludAbstract
This article investigates the interactions between attributional styles, academic self-concept, and self-esteem among university students in Physical Education and Health Pedagogy. Utilizing a descriptive-correlational quantitative approach with a sample of 104 Chilean students, the study identified profiles across these variables. Data were collected using the Attributional Styles Scale, the Academic Self-Concept Scale, and the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (adult version). To achieve the study's objectives, descriptive and comparative analyses were conducted using Student's t-test and ANOVA. Additionally, Pearson correlations were used to explore the relationships between the dimensions of these instruments and sociodemographic variables. Key findings reveal a positive relationship between internal attribution and self-efficacy, as well as a positive association between perceived teacher failure and performance. A further positive correlation was found between internal attribution and failure due to lack of effort. These results underscore the importance of incorporating emotional factors into educational interventions and provide valuable insights for developing pedagogical strategies and tailored interventions for these students.
Keywords: Attributional styles; academic self-concept; self-esteem; student teachers; Physical Education and Health.
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