Effect of a program to promote healthy lifestyles on physical activity levels and physical activity behavior in young people at a university in Bogotá





Health students, Strategies, Physical activity, health promotion, Healthy lifestyle habits


Introduction: Low levels of Physical Activity (PA) are the main cause of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and are related to lifestyle risk factors in the university population. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate lifestyle habits and behaviors in this population. Objective: Design and determine the effect of a program of healthy lifestyle strategies on the levels and change of PA behavior of university students in Bogota. Methodology: Prospective longitudinal study, pre and post in young university students in Bogota, Colombia. The short version of the IPAQ questionnaire and a questionnaire of the behavioral state of change in PA were applied. A 13-week program aimed at promoting PA in the population was implemented. Results: Eighty-one students participated with a mean age of 19.5 years (SD 2.1), mostly women (85.2%). Significant differences were found in the total MET-min/week after implementing the program (p=.032). Additionally, differences were obtained in low (p<.001) and medium (p=.011) PA levels, as well as in the behavioral stages of contemplation (p=.013) and action (p=.035). Conclusion: The program showed a statistically significant change in the total METS-min/week of PA. However, studies aimed at improving lifestyle habits that not only address PA, but also consider other elements to act from an integral perspective, should be carried out.

Keywords: University students, Strategies, Physical activity, Health promotion, Healthy lifestyle habits.


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How to Cite

García Laguna , D. G. ., Garcia Saavedra, I. D., Zuluaga Gómez, A. F., & Ramos Caballero, D. M. (2024). Effect of a program to promote healthy lifestyles on physical activity levels and physical activity behavior in young people at a university in Bogotá. Retos, 60, 1130–1139. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v60.105285



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