The management of marketing actions by LigaF footballers on the TikTok social network
sports marketing, personal branding, social media, TikTok, footballAbstract
Introduction: football is a global sport, with millions of people around the world playing it. The women's game has made impressive progress in recent years compared to other disciplines. Professional female footballers have become brands of great projection and interest for society and the media, and inspire people with their values. The social network TikTok is one of the most interesting tools for the development of marketing and communication strategies in the world of football.
Objective: this study focused on understanding what type of messages are posted by professional female football players in Liga F on the social network TikTok.
Methodology: in order to achieve this objective, the research techniques of observation and content analysis were used. The research sample contains 228 publications from the opening date of each of the 10 official accounts analysed until 15 February 2024.
Results: the results show that the emotional factor is very important in connecting with audiences.
Conclusions: marketing actions are one of the most outstanding resources, although there is still a lot of room for improvement on the part of those in charge of managing the official accounts on the TikTok social network of the football players.
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