Successful attack behaviours of the finalist teams of the UEFA Champions League 2020-2021: Analysis using Polar Coordinates
Observational Methodology; polar coordinates analysis; football; attack behaviors.Abstract
Knowing which technical-tactical actions are most effective in football is essential to improve training processes and performance in competition. The aim of this study was to analyze the patterns of play linked to the finishing actions of the finalist football teams in the UEFA Champions League 2020-2021, Chelsea F.C. and Manchester CityF.C. For this purpose, game behaviors were recorded using Hoisan software from an observation tool consisting of 8 criteria and 59 categories. Subsequently, the recorded behaviors were analyzed using the polar coordinates technique. In the polar coordinates analysis, the passing action from the midfield position, the finishing action from the striker position, the unopposed header and the counterattack action were established as categories of interest (focal behaviors), that were related to other categories (conditional behaviors). The results showed that the behavior of the midfielder has an influence on the attacking actions for both teams, that in the flow of behaviors that determine the finishing actions the participation of different players is appreciated, and the decisive intervention of the striker role in the finishing plays.
Keywords: Observational Methodology; polar coordinates analysis; football; attack behaviors.
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