Implications of the dynamization of play in the school recess of a special school




Playground, special school, educational project, special needs education, participant observation


The present research analyzes the organization and educational implications of activating playground spaces and times at a public special education school in the city of Murcia. For this purpose, a qualitative research design was used, involving the participation of 45 students and two educational leaders from the center. Observation, semi-structured interviews, and a focus group were employed as data collection techniques. For data analysis, differentiated categories were established based on the two set objectives. The results indicate that activating play during recess enhances interactions among the students at the school and promotes the development of cognitive skills, adaptive behaviors, and values learning. It is concluded that planning play during recess is deemed an essential means for the enhancement of educational centers, ensuring the right of all students to play, leisure and socialization as fundamental aspects of their development and learning.

Key words: Playground; special school; educational project; special needs education; participant observation.


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How to Cite

Alcaraz García, S., Sánchez Sánchez, R., & Arnaiz Sánchez, P. (2024). Implications of the dynamization of play in the school recess of a special school. Retos, 59, 274–285.



Original Research Article