Health education at university: an opportunity to learn to live in a sustainable way
Health education, healthy habits, health promotion, Healthy University, sustainabilityAbstract
INTRODUCTION. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has made it obvious that the sustainability of the planet and our survival are in serious danger. In this context, the general aim of the study is to analyse the behaviour and habits of Ecuadorian university students with relation to Health Education (HE). METHOD. It is an exploratory, descriptive research project, which is simultaneously comparative, correlational and explanatory, in that it has used a quantitative methodology. A questionnaire has been designed and ratified. To achieve this, work has been done with a non-random sample of 1,159 students corresponding to 9 Ecuadorian Universities, of which 3 belong to the Healthy Universities Network. RESULTS. The results show that university students state that they have acceptable health, are moderately informed about this issue, the family and the school are key informants in HE and, paradoxically, the universities that belong to the Health Promoting Universities network obtain lower scores in EH than the universities not belonging. Finally, alternatives are proposed for improving Health Education in Universities. DISCUSSION. One of the many things this health crisis caused by COVID-19 has taught us is that we must live differently. We have no choice. Let us make Universities role model institutions when it comes to facing the enormous challenge of rebuilding a fairer, healthier and more sustainable planet.
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