Food and nutritional condition in the development of Afro-descendant children practicing recreational activities in a neighborhood on the outskirts of the district of Cartagena, Colombia
Food, Development, recreation, infantsAbstract
Comprehensive early childhood care covers all the essential aspects related to the special conditions that facilitate the enjoyment and guarantee the quality of life of this population. Among these aspects, food and nutrition are fundamental components for the development of boys and girls at this stage, ensuring that their specific needs are met. Food and nutrition that meets the established requirements is considered an essential element of the comprehensive care that must be provided at this initial stage of life. The objective of this initiative is to determine the nutritional and nutritional status of practitioners of recreational and sports activities through a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The training project on the influence of food and nutrition on the comprehensive development of 78 boys and girls in early childhood, together with the educational plan implemented in the Nelson Mandela neighborhood of the Cartagena district, constitutes an important guiding document. This generates essential and relevant actions that facilitate the training of parents in managing the issue. To this end, active teaching methods are implemented that encourage the practice of habits that guarantee food and nutritional security in boys and girls from zero to six years of age. The methodological stages developed in the implementation of this training project and educational plan are crucial to achieve the proposed objectives and improve the quality of life of early childhood in the target community.
Keywords: Food, Development, recreation, infants, Afro-descendant, Recreation, Patient, Nutrition.
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