Physical self-concept in high school students from a school institution in the north of Chile
Physical self-concept, ego, task, motivational profile, physical education.Abstract
The objective of the study was to analyze the motivational orientations associated with physical self-concept and motivational profiles in high school students from an educational institution in the northern part of Chile. The sample size reaches 1075 students for secundary education, of which 585 were men and 490 women. The methodological approach is quantitative, transversal, prospective. The level of depth is inferential and stratified random sampling. A cross-sectional comparative associative strategy was used with a natural group design. The Ego and Task Orientation Questionnaire (TEOSQ) and the Physical Self-Perception Profile Questionnaire (PSPP) were applied. It is observed that the combination between "Low Task" and "Low Ego" presents the maximum values, while "High Task" with "Low Ego" groups the lowest values. The predominant profile in the male sex is that which represents very competitive subjects, preferably motivated from an external perspective, and in the female sex the profile of low general motivational orientation predominates. In relation to self-concept, men obtain higher scores than women in all dimensions. The results show the existence of significant differences in the five dimensions of physical self-concept depending on the type of motivational profile, with the general motivational orientation predominating, obtaining the highest scores in physical condition, appearance, perceived competence and strength. Regarding the findings, the practical relationship between self-concept and motivational profile is discussed.
Keywords: Physical self-concept, ego, task, motivational profile, physical education.
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