Distribution of training loads and periodization in open water swimming: A systematic review
Sport. Performance. Endurance Exercise. Open water swimming. Aquatic marathon.Abstract
The objective of the present study was to systematically review the literature on the topic of training load distribution and periodization in open water swimming. The searches were conducted in the databases PubMed, SportDiscus, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs and Scielo. The analysis of information from the articles was carried out using the STROBE statement checklist and the data was analyzed using the categorical content analysis technique. The review included 5 studies published in the period from 2016 to 2022. Athletes, of both sexes, covering the elite and amateur competition levels were competitors at distances of 5 to 25 km for elite athletes and 78 km for amateur athletes. . The research was carried out in Italy (4) and France (1). The results revealed that classical periodization was used, consisting of pyramidal and polarized load distribution in most studies (80%), as well as elite athletes reporting a high weekly workload for training, 22 to 28 hours with 70 to 85 km per week. Likewise, the study that investigated amateur athletes presented a weekly workload of up to 19 hours with 15 to 70 km per week. This study concluded that there is a lack of research investigating issues related to sports training in amateur athletes and beginners in open water swimming.
Keywords: Sport. Performance. Endurance Exercise. Open water swimming. Aquatic marathon.
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