“KorriCan”: An educational proposal for the promotion of health through canicross





canicross, educación física, innovación educativa, actividades físicas en el medio natural, salud


This paper presents a pilot experience of a didactic proposal based on the practice of canicross. The educational programme called “KorriCan”, carried out through specific training and the practice of this sport in physical education classes, aims to promote canicross among the school population combining the benefits of the practice of canicross, the natural environments where it is practised and the interaction with animals. In conclusion, “KorriCan” begins as an innovative educational proposal to promote physical activity through canicross and raise awareness among students about its importance in health while promoting the acquisition of values of respect, responsibility and empathy towards animals.

Keywords: canicross, physical education, educational innovation, physical activities in the natural environment, health


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How to Cite

González-Santamaría, X., Borrajo, E. ., Solabarrieta Eizaguirre, J., & Urquijo , I. (2024). “KorriCan”: An educational proposal for the promotion of health through canicross. Retos, 54, 63–75. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v54.102646



Didactic experiences developed and investigated with empirical work