Planning and evaluation of sports programs for people with disabilities
Planning, evaluation, evaluation tools, professional, physical activity and sport, disabilityAbstract
The planning and evaluation processes properly developed are crucial for the accessibility, adaptability and quality of Physical Activity and Sport (PAS) programs with people with disabilities. The goal of this paper is to analyze the planning and evaluation processes and the tools applied by the PAS professionals working with people with disabilities in Spain. A descriptive quantitative methodology was used to analyze the data obtained through a questionnaire and face-to-face interviews with the PAS professionals. The sample of the study includes 214 professionals who provide PAS services to people with disabilities in Spain. The results show that a large group of PAS professionals plans (61%) and evaluates (56%) their PAS programs and that those with university education are more likely to plan and evaluate (68%) PAS programs and apply a rich variety of evaluation tools. These include observation, performance tests, anthropometric measurements and standardized tests. Therefore, we can conclude that training and experience are factors that contribute to the quality of PAS programs.
Keywords: Planning; evaluation; evaluation tools; professional; physical activity and sport; disability.
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