English Jazz Dance in menopause: protocol study for a randomized clinical trial





Dancing;, exercise;, menopause;, menopausal symptoms;, protocol;, Randomized clinical trial.


Background: Dance as an example of Physical Activity, although not much studied, is shown as a positive non-pharmacological therapy that decreases physical, psychological, and sexual symptoms arisen from menopause.  Objective: To provide a Jazz Dance protocol (twice a week / 12 weeks) for menopausal women and compare its effectiveness with the Control Group. Method: This study is a protocol for a randomized clinical trial with menopausal women with two arms: Control Group and Jazz Intervention Group. A 12-week protocol developed for women between the ages of 40 and 59 to analyze the Jazz Dance effect on the primary outcome: Menopause Symptoms (Menopause Rating Scale); and on the secondary outcomes - physical aspects: BMI, body fat percentage (Ultrasound (BX-2000, IntelaMetrix Inc., USA) alongside to Jackson & Pollock's 7 folds equation); fitness cardiorespiratory: (Treadmill (Embramed atl 2000) to lead the submaximal exercise test following the modified Bruce protocol); hormonal aspects: Follicle-stimulating hormone levels (blood sample), and psychological aspects- depressive symptoms and anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale); mood (Brunel Mood Scale) and stress levels (Perceived Stress Scale). Discussion: This study will be the first Jazz Dance protocol offered to support a new randomized clinical trial with menopausal women focused on dancing as a non-medicated treatment.

Keywords: Dancing; exercise; menopause; menopausal symptoms; protocol; Randomized clinical trial.


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How to Cite

Bocchi Martins, J. B., Yani Fausto, D. ., da Silveira, J., Boing, L., Huyer da Roza, T., & Coutinho de Azevedo Guimarães, A. (2024). English Jazz Dance in menopause: protocol study for a randomized clinical trial. Retos, 54, 372–380. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v54.102027



Original Research Article