Physical condition and risk of falls in a group of elderly people from the medical service of a public university




SPPB, risk of falls, physical exercise, balance, march.


The aim of this research is to describe the relationship between physical condition and the risk of falls in a group of elderly people from the medical service of a public university in the city of Cali, Colombia. This study included 32 older people (12 men and 20 women). They were assessed through the SPPB and Senior Fitness Test batteries. The processing and analysis of information were conducted using SPSS v.27 for Windows. The main findings revealed a prevalence of falls risk of 62.5% within the group, aerobic capacity above the 50th percentile in women, high values of strength in lower and upper limbs and prehensile strength for the entire group. Significant moderate correlations were also found between the total score of the SPPB and the strength in lower and upper limbs (r=0.57 p<0.001 and r=0.53 p<0.001) and between the total score of the SPPB and agility and balance (r=-0.44 p<0.05), balance and agility test, and balance (r=-0.43 p<0.05). In this study, values above the mean were found in most physical condition tests; however, these findings contrast with the latent presence of a risk of falls within this group,which suggests the need for structural modifications to the physical exercise program currently followed by older adults.

Keywords: SPPB, risk of falls, physical exercise, balance, march. (Fuente: DeCS).

Author Biographies

Miguel Alejandro Atencio Osorio, Grupo de investigación GRINDER

Miguel Alejandro Atencio-Osorio (E-mail:

Grupo de Investigación en Deporte de Rendimiento (GRINDER), Programa de Educación Física y Deporte, Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, 76001, Colombia.

CC: 94536319

Nivel de Formación: Maestría (MCs)

Cargo Actual: Profesor Auxiliar del Departamento de Educación Física y Deporte Universidad del Valle Cali Colombia.

Numero de Contacto: (57) 3122868231


Bryan Samboni Martinez, Semillero de Investigación GRINDER (Universidad del Valle )

Bryan Samboni  (

Semillero de Investigación en Deporte de Rendimiento (GRINDER), Programa de Educación Física y Deporte, Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, 76001, Colombia. 0009-0009-2961-2944

CC:  1143865870

Nivel de Formación: Licenciado en educación Física y Deporte

Cargo Actual: Semillero de investigación grupo de Investigación GRINDER

Numero de Contacto: (57) 3188396718


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How to Cite

Carrillo Arango, H. A., Atencio Osorio, M. A., & Samboni Martinez, B. . (2024). Physical condition and risk of falls in a group of elderly people from the medical service of a public university. Retos, 55, 461–467.



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