“Jogamos Tudo, Brincamos Todos": Pilot study in the context of pre-school education





Attitudes of inclusion, inverse inclusion, games, perception of competences, preschool


The inclusion of children with disabilities in schools is not always an easy process, making it essential to identify the best strategies to achieve this goal. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of an intervention programme based on adapted motor games for pre-school children, in terms of attitudes towards inclusion in relation to peers with disabilities and the perception of competences of children with disabilities. For this purpose, a programme of 8 sessions (45 minutes each) was developed, based on adapted motor games. Thirteen children aged between 5 and 6 years participated in the programme, of which 7 were male and 6 female. In these sessions, the children, through a story, got to know a character who, over the weeks, met several children with disabilities and tried to find games that could be played by all.  A questionnaire was used to evaluate the dimensions "attitudes to inclusion" and "perception of competences", previously used by Antunes et al., (2022). Children's satisfaction with the sessions was assessed following the recommendations of Birch et al. (2019). The results revealed improvements in the attitudes of inclusion (p=0.002; z=-3.08) and perception of competences (p=0.001; z=-3.18) dimensions between the pre- and post-intervention moments. In addition, children's satisfaction with the sessions was always very evident (≥80%).  The results of this study seem to reinforce the role that adapted play-motor games can play as a strategy to promote inclusion skills, even at an early age.

Keywords: Attitudes of inclusion, inverse inclusion, games, perception of competences, preschool


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How to Cite

Sales, I. ., Antunes, R., Gomes, S., Marques, R., & Oliveira, A. (2024). “Jogamos Tudo, Brincamos Todos": Pilot study in the context of pre-school education. Retos, 51, 251–258. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v51.101054



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