Analysis of the instructional communication of physical education teachers from a socioconstructivist perspective: A systematic review




Discursive strategies, Communication patterns, Communication, Speech, Physical education, Teaching discourse, Instructional communication


The main objective of this systematic review is to assess the impact of instructional communication on teachers and students during Physical Education classes, as well as to identify the socioconstructivist discursive strategies employed by teachers, aiming to determine whether intentional and strategic use has been made. A systematic literature review was conducted in the WOS, Scopus and Dialnet databases in February 2024, following PRISMA guidelines. The related studies published between 2009 and 2024 were selected, while those not focused on instructional communication or targeting university students, or individuals with speech or communication problems were excluded. A total of 7 articles were included, involving approximately 884 students and 25 teachers. The results revealed the presence of communicative patterns that combining recurrent strategies. Additionally, differences in the frequency and variety of discursive strategies before and after participation in a training program were observed. It should be noted that scientific evidence related to this theme is limited. In conclusion, a trend in the use of discursive/communicative strategies is observed, and the benefits that proper use of instructional communication and training in this aspect could provide for optimizing the teaching process.

Key words: discursive strategies, communication patterns, speech, question answer, physical education, teaching discourse, instructional communication.


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How to Cite

Vázquez-Manrique, M., & García-Fariña, A. (2024). Analysis of the instructional communication of physical education teachers from a socioconstructivist perspective: A systematic review. Retos, 55, 386–396.



Theoretical, systematic reviews and/or meta-analysis

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