Relationship between perceived physical ability and participation motives in swimmers via structural equation modeling
Participation Motives, Perceived Physical Ability, Partial Least Squares Structural Equation ModelingAbstract
The objective of this research was to establish the relationship between perceived physical ability and motives for participation in competitive swimmers from the department of Boyacá, Colombia, through the perception of 108 athletes, 57 women and 51 men. Using as measurement instruments the questionnaires of Motives for Sports Participation and the Perceived Physical Ability Scale. Given the multivariate nature of the study, in this case use was made of structural equation modeling using partial least squares to explore and explain the interrelationships between the variables. Perceived physical ability was found to influence motivational aspects such as competence, health and fitness, and the influence of other stakeholders. To the extent that the swimmer tends to rate his or her perceived physical ability specific to swimming with higher scores, he or she increases his or her scale in some of the participation motives.
Key words: participation motives, perceived physical ability, partial least squares structural equation modeling.
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