Article Publication Fee

In the event that this article is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay a Publication Fee to cover the associated costs: (bank transfer or Bizum) of 250 euros (taxes included), the costs being borne by the authors. authors. DO NOT INDICATE SHARED EXPENSES since the transfer has a cost both in the country of origin and in Spain when made from abroad. You must always indicate the full name of the first author or the invoice number in the account that will be provided to you once you request the way in which you want to make the payment.
For authors who have difficulty making the transfer in their country of residence (banks usually charge a lot of commission and we do not recommend it), contact the journal's management to find another means that is more convenient for you. It can be Western Union, PayPal (in this case the deposit would be 265 euros since it costs 15 euros to carry out the operation) or perhaps TransferWise (or similar) may be the most convenient, it is not indifferent to us, These are the various options that authors usually use. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the magazine to discuss the payment method and to provide you with the information to make the payment.
It is necessary to notify the transfer and/or send the copy of the transfer to:

If it is necessary to issue an invoice, you must request it from indicating all the data necessary for its issuance.