"Desafios" está incluído nos seguintes centros de documentação:
- Scopus
- Dialnet
- DICE (Dissemination and Editorial Quality of Spanish Journals of Humanities and Social Sciences and Law)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI)
- Ebsco host
- Academic Search Premier Collection
- Sport Discus
- e-revistas (Spanish and Latin American Scientific Electronic Journals database)
- Google Scholar (English and Spanish)
- IN-RECS (Impact Index of Spanish Social Science Journals)
- IRESIE (Higher Education and Educational Research Journals Index)
- Catálogo Latindex
- LivRe!, Brazil’s Nuclear Information Center
- MIAR, Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals
- Network of University Libraries “Rebiun”
- Open Science Collector “Recolecta” (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology)
- Portal of Health Sciences Journals “bvs” (Brazil)
- Portuguese Journals Website “Capes”
- PSICODOC. Bibliographic Psychology Database
- Redalyc (Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean)
- RESH (Spanish Journals of Social Sciences and Humanities Information System)
- Sherpa/Romeo, United Kingdom
- Sicapes (WebQualis), Brazilian Ministry of Education
- Socol@r, Index of Open Educational Resources, China
- Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) databases: ISOC, Social Sciences and Humanities, CINDOC
- Spanish Union Catalogue of Periodicals “ARIADNA”
- Sport´docs database, from the National Institute of Sport and Physical Education of France
- SUDOC (University Documentation System from Belgium)
- Union Catalogue “COPAC” from the United Kingdom
- World Health Organization’s “HINARI” journals
- Google Académico
- Fuente Academica
- Colciencias/Publindex